We are Planty

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We love plants

We love plants

Now THAT is true, but we love web development even more. We talk about it on our blog, like, a lot. We often craft live demos and open source these bad boys on GitHub. Matter of fact, this Planty theme is open source too! If you spot any bugs, open an issue, and we’ll fire our junior dev. Just kidding Michael, you’re good.

We think plants are the future

We think plants are the future

Word. But good code can solve a lots of problems, too. New and old. That’s why we help beginners get started with web development through free content and tools, like this theme. We also believe the JAMstack might be one solid pillar on which we build that future.

Great gifts for the kids.. See my crocheted stuffed animals.

Great gifts for the kids.. See my crocheted stuffed animals.

from $20.00
